Lapis Lazuli : Propertise, Benefit and Use Method

Lapis Lazuli : Propertise, Benefit and Use Method

Lapis lazuli's rich history and deep symbolism have made it a treasured stone throughout the ages. From ancient civilizations to modern times, it has been admired not only for its beauty but also for its spiritual and mystical qualities.

Discover the incredible benefits of using Lapis Lazuli in your daily life, from enhancing mental clarity to promoting spiritual growth. Learn how this stunning gemstone can unlock your full potential and bring harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.


1.  History of Lapis Lazuli

2.  Symbolism of Lapis Lazuli

3.  Benefits of Lapis Lazuli

4.   How to use Lapis Lazuli

5. Tips for Caring for Your Lapis Lazuli



1. History of Lapis Lazuli

Ancient Origins

Lapis lazuli, a deep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone, has a history dating back over 6,000 years. Its earliest recorded use was in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Persia (modern-day Iran). The most famous ancient source of lapis lazuli is the Sar-i Sang mines in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan, which have been active since the Neolithic period.


Mesopotamia and Sumer

In Mesopotamia, lapis lazuli was highly valued by the Sumerians, who believed it contained the soul of the gods. It was often used in jewelry, amulets, and seals. The Royal Tombs of Ur, dating back to 2600-2500 BCE, contained numerous artifacts made of lapis lazuli, demonstrating its importance in Sumerian culture.


Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was associated with the night sky and the heavens. It was used extensively in jewelry, amulets, and in the funeral mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Egyptians also ground it into powder to create ultramarine, a rich blue pigment used in art and cosmetics.


Ancient Greece and Rome

The Greeks and Romans imported lapis lazuli from Afghanistan. In Rome, it was used as a symbol of power and honor, and the blue pigment was highly prized for frescoes and mosaics.


Medieval and Renaissance Europe

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, lapis lazuli continued to be prized in Europe. The stone was ground to produce ultramarine pigment, which was used by artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Ultramarine was more expensive than gold and was often reserved for the most important figures in paintings, such as the Virgin Mary.


2.  Symbolism of Lapis Lazuli

2-1)Spiritual and Mystical Symbolism

  • Divine Favor: Lapis lazuli has long been associated with gods and divine favor. In ancient cultures, it was thought to be a stone of the gods, providing protection and insight.
  • Truth and Enlightenment: The deep blue color symbolizes truth, wisdom, and enlightenment. It is often associated with the third eye chakra, which governs intuition and inner vision.
  • Protection: Many cultures believed lapis lazuli had protective properties, guarding against evil and ensuring the wearer’s safety.
  • Healing: The stone has been used for its supposed healing properties, believed to cure various ailments and promote physical and emotional well-being.


2-2)Modern Symbolism

  • Wisdom and Knowledge: In contemporary symbolism, lapis lazuli is seen as a stone that fosters intellectual ability, wisdom, and problem-solving skills.
  • Communication: It is associated with enhancing communication, aiding in the expression of one's thoughts and feelings, and improving relationships.
  • Inner Peace: The stone is also thought to bring deep inner peace, reducing stress and providing a sense of tranquility and harmony.


3. Benefits of Lapis Lazuli

3-1)Physical Benefits

Pain Relief:

  1. Believed to alleviate pain, especially headaches and migraines.
  2. Thought to be beneficial for throat-related issues and aid in overcoming respiratory problems.


Immune System:

Said to boost the immune system and help in fighting off infections and diseases.


Blood Pressure:

Some believe lapis lazuli can help regulate blood pressure, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.



Traditionally thought to help in detoxifying the body and purifying the blood.


3-2) Emotional Benefits

Stress Relief:

Known for its calming properties, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Promotes a sense of peace and tranquility.


Mood Enhancement:

Thought to elevate the mood and help alleviate symptoms of depression. Encourages feelings of joy and contentment.


 Emotional Balance:

Assists in balancing emotions, helping to stabilize mood swings and emotional instability.


3-3) Spiritual Benefits

Enhanced Intuition:

Associated with the third eye chakra, it is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities.Aids in developing deeper self-awareness and inner truth.


Spiritual Growth:

Facilitates spiritual growth and enlightenment.Helps in connecting with higher consciousness and spiritual guides.


Known as a protective stone, it is thought to guard against negative energies and psychic attacks.


3-4) Mental Benefits

Clarity and Focus:

Enhances mental clarity and focus.

Promotes problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


Associated with the throat chakra, it aids in effective communication and expression.

Helps in articulating thoughts and ideas clearly.


Stimulates creativity and imagination, making it a favorite among artists and writers.


3-5) Metaphysical Healing

Chakra Alignment:

Helps in balancing and aligning the throat and third eye chakras.

Promotes energy flow throughout the body.


Meditation Aid:

Enhances meditation practices by fostering deeper states of consciousness and inner peace.

Assists in spiritual journeys and shamanic work.


4.How to use Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli, a deep blue metamorphic rock used since antiquity for its rich color and purported metaphysical properties, can be utilized in various ways. Here are some common methods to use Lapis Lazuli:


4-1) Jewelry and Adornments

  • Wearing Lapis Lazuli: The stone is often crafted into jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Wearing it can help keep its energy close to your body, promoting its beneficial effects.
  • Amulets and Talismans: Lapis Lazuli can be carried as a small polished stone or as a carved amulet to attract its protective and healing energies.

4-2)  Meditation and Healing

  • Meditation: Holding Lapis Lazuli or placing it on the forehead (third eye chakra) during meditation can help enhance spiritual insight, clarity, and intuition.
  • Chakra Balancing: Lapis Lazuli is associated with the throat chakra (communication) and the third eye chakra (intuition). Placing the stone on these areas can help balance and clear these chakras.

4-3) Home and Workspace

  • Decoration: Placing Lapis Lazuli in your home or workspace can promote a peaceful and harmonious environment. It is particularly effective in spaces where communication and clarity are important.
  • Feng Shui: In Feng Shui, Lapis Lazuli can be used to attract wisdom and truth, often placed in the knowledge and wisdom area of the Bagua map.

4-4) Spiritual and Emotional Uses

  • Dream Work: Keeping Lapis Lazuli under your pillow or by your bedside can enhance dream recall and provide insight into your dreams.
  • Emotional Healing: Lapis Lazuli is believed to help release stress and promote emotional healing. Carrying or wearing it can support you through challenging emotional times.

4-5) Elixirs and Essences

  • Crystal Elixirs: Some people create crystal elixirs by placing Lapis Lazuli in water (using the indirect method to avoid any potential toxicity) and then drinking the water to imbibe its energetic properties.

4-6) Rituals and Ceremonies

  • Ritual Use: Incorporate Lapis Lazuli into rituals and ceremonies for protection, spiritual insight, and connection to higher realms. It can be placed on altars or used in spell work.


5.Tips for Caring for Your Lapis Lazuli

5-1) Avoid Exposure to Chemicals

  • Cleaners and Solvents: Keep lapis lazuli away from household cleaners, acetone, alcohol, and other solvents as they can damage the stone.
  • Personal Care Products: Avoid direct contact with perfumes, lotions, and hair sprays.

5-2) Cleaning

  • Mild Soap and Water: Clean your lapis lazuli using a soft cloth, lukewarm water, and a mild soap. Gently rub the surface and rinse with clean water.
  • Avoid Ultrasonic Cleaners: Do not use ultrasonic cleaners or steam cleaners as they can damage the stone.
  • Dry Properly: After cleaning, dry the stone thoroughly with a soft, lint-free cloth.


  • Separate Storage: Store lapis lazuli pieces separately in a soft pouch or a cloth-lined jewelry box to prevent scratches from other harder gemstones or metals.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Keep lapis lazuli away from extreme heat or cold, as sudden temperature changes can cause damage.


  • Handle with Care: Lapis lazuli is relatively soft (Mohs hardness of 5-6), so handle it gently to avoid scratches and chips.
  • Put on Last: When dressing, put on lapis lazuli jewelry last to minimize exposure to chemicals and rough handling.

5-5) Protective Measures

  • Protective Settings: When used in jewelry, ensure the settings protect the stone from impact and abrasion.
  • Regular Checks: Periodically check the settings in your jewelry to make sure the lapis lazuli is securely held in place.


5-6)Avoid Prolonged Sunlight Exposure

  • Fading: Extended exposure to sunlight can cause lapis lazuli to fade. Store it in a cool, dark place when not in use.



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Josephine Ella

Josephine Ella is a crystal and healing stone expert,she have great enthusiasm in studying different kind of stones. she knows much about the energy of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 15 years, she has been researching the spiritual aspects of stones. she has used the past 15years of her career to transform spiritual wisdom into simple and useful tools that anyone can use to change themselves.